Sacco’s corruption detailed by township employees placed under oath
North Bergen, NJ: Nicholas Sacco’s use of election fraud was exposed in open court during the criminal trials of North Bergen Department of Public Works Supervisors Francis Longo and Troy Bunero. As reported in the Hudson County View, current DPW workers testified under oath, providing detailed accounts of the widespread voter fraud occurring in North Bergen elections.
Paul Molinero testified that he was forced to vote in elections, even though his superiors knew he lived out of town and that it was illegal for him to vote in any election in North Bergen. “As these court cases come to fruition, we will continue to see how pervasive the corruption that plagues North Bergen has become. But, ultimately, the truth is always exposed, and the will of the people will prevail. Change is coming.” stated Larry Wainstein, a well-known community activist in North Bergen.
Mario Blanch, a local attorney and civil rights activist, stated, “The egregious actions that have been perpetrated by Sacco and his campaign are finally being exposed by our justice system. I am currently working on a case that is riddled with precisely the same election fraud that was admitted to in this case, but on a much larger scale. The amount of voter fraud that occurs in North Bergen elections is outrageous. We are working hard to find all those responsible for the fraud and to have them legally prosecuted. The legal voters of North Bergen are the real victims here.”
Political fundraising was another method of Sacco’s corruption that was brought to light in the trial. Nicholas Oriolo, a DPW worker testified that he and other DPW employees are forced to buy political fundraising tickets to Sacco’s Mayor’s Ball.
Oriolo’s testimony confirms previous accounts of intimidation made by former North Bergen High School teacher, Sarah Guillen and the accounts of many other township employees. When Ms. Guillen came forward describing how she had been forced to buy political fundraising tickets, Sacco attempted to bully her and threatened to have her brought up on ethics charges. Larry Wainstein stated, “this is the way Sacco governs. Like a true dictator, he intimidates the township employees through threats of losing their jobs or worse.”
In light of the widespread extortion and fraud admitted in the recent trials and evidenced through numerous records and accounts, Larry Wainstein is calling for government reforms that will put an end to Sacco’s intimidation of North Bergen employees.Wainstein is calling for Sacco and his commissioners to pass a campaign finance reform ordinance that will prohibit soliciting and accepting campaign contributions from Township of North Bergen employees, North Bergen Board of Education employees, and vendors. “These employees are forced to pay for Sacco’s elections, they are forced to work to get him elected, and some are even forced to commit voter fraud so that they can vote for Sacco despite living in other towns. If they do not comply with Sacco’s demands, they get fired, or have some charges brought against them. They know that they don’t have a choice. It has to end!” stated Wainstein when questioned about the need for the reform he is seeking.
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